On May 7-9, the main players of the national and international mining industry have an unmissable event in Buenos Aires: Arminera once again opens its doors and offers, during three days, a privileged space for business and professional networking. The exhibitors will bring their latest technologies in products, services and equipment to more than 7,000 qualified visitors.
"For All Pumps Argentina it is very important to take part in Arminera because we believe it is a highly recognized event in the industry", states Brad Dormer, General Manager of the company, which specializes in pumping systems for fluid transportation. "Our company today cooperates in the development of all mining projects throughout the country, and we have a strong intention of increasing our reach and achieve a higher knowledge", adds Dormer. 2019 is a year of growth and expansion for All Pumps Argentina. With the recent opening of a branch in Salta, the company plans to consolidate its presence in NOA and foresees a strong increase in the supplying of pumps and pumping systems for the mining industry.
On its part, Baires Analítica –a company that commercializes products for water analysis and environment- also seeks to position itself within the mining sector. "We wish to share our knowledge and show innovative products", tells Morina Fargas, Commercialization and Marketing Manager. For 2019, the firm has the plan of getting into the mining market, increasing its staff in 15% and its sales in 25%, among other projects.
For Borintech this will be the first experience in Arminera. The company of mobile energy supply systems seeks to show their solutions for the mining industry and start to position itself as a local referent. They also want to extend their work team to improve customer support and service. They are carrying out infrastructure investments to extend and reorganize our materials warehouse to offer a better shipment and organization of orders, thus achieving improvements in delivery and Page 2 Arminera 12º International Trade Fair for the Mining Industry Costa Salguero Center Buenos Aires, May 7 - 9, 2019
reply times", says Martín Borisenko, Managing Partner.
Meanwhile, MineTech –which supplies solutions in technologies related to safety, communication and industrial production- seeks to achieve in Arminera a greater exhibition in the market. There they will exhibit cyanide measuring systems, shelters for underground mining, emergency evacuation systems, among others. Their expectations for this 2019 are those of "general growth", ensures Matias Baglietto, General Manager.
What they will present
The companies advance the products and services that they are preparing for the event:
A firm specialized in the movement of corrosive and abrasive fluids for mining, chemical, petrochemical and water treatment industries. They will present the Modular Skid of high pressure pumping for mine drainage that allows replacing dam civil works and the use of a great number of submersible pumps, thus saving energy, time and maintenance costs. Besides, they will show the Sandpiper pneumatic pump in mine and plant drainage service, the Toro ANSI process centrifugal pump and the non-metallic Techniflo SC centrifugal pump for corrosive fluids.
It is a company which is expert in level and water quality analysis. It will exhibit innovative and customizable products of In-situ brand such as: Aqua Troll 600, a multi-parameter probe that measures water quality, it has Bluetooth connectivity, integrated 16 gb datalogger, ISE electrodes, generation of automatic reports, integrated wiper and luminescent technology in OD and Level Troll 700/500 which measures water pressure, level and temperature, and it is made of titanium and can have atmospheric pressure automatic compensation (vented).
A company devoted to mobile energy supply systems. It will exhibit solutions in Igus® cable holder chain systems which adapt to 4.0 industry requirements. They offer accurate and real time information on the equipment working status, they control and measure the wear level of components in order to estimate the preventive maintenance and avoid unexpected stops of equipment and plants.
It is a company that provides integral solutions in technologies in order to improve safety, communications, and production in the Argentine industry. It will exhibit a cyanide measuring autonomous system and other environmental parameters in water courses and it is fed with renewable energies; the first and only shelters for underground mining that work as a breathable air chamber for emergency situations in Page 3 Arminera 12º International Trade Fair for the Mining Industry Costa Salguero Center Buenos Aires, May 7 - 9, 2019
tunnels; emergency evacuation systems laid on raise boring (RBR); underground communication systems and underground people and/or vehicle tracking system in real time.
Arminera will be held from 7 to 9 May, 2019 in Costa Salguero Center of Buenos Aires.
The exhibition is only for businessmen and professionals of the sector. With an invitation: free of charge. People under 16 years will not be admitted, even if attending with an adult.
Further information: www.arminera.com.ar
Twitter: @ArmineraExpo
Facebook: /Arminera
Background information on Argentine Chamber of Mining Companies (CAEM)
The Argentine Chamber of Mining Companies (CAEM) was founded in 1991 as a result of the joint decision of the most important companies already present in the market, and with the purpose of strengthening and streamlining the potential of the mining industry. CAEM represents its members before the country’s authorities and abroad, as well as before individuals and private companies, promotes congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, events and publications and encourages the exchange with public institutions and private organizations connected to mining activities, locally and abroad. The Argentine Chamber of Mining Companies (CAEM) gathers all of the mining activities. It represents - in every production stage – those companies dedicated to metalliferous and non-metalliferous mining and construction materials. It also gathers the Exploration Chambers, the provincial Chambers of the industry and suppliers: from machinery manufacturers to consumer goods and services companies, as well as technical, legal and financial advisors.
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. With some 2,400 employees at 30 locations, the company generates annual sales of over €640 million. Thanks to its farreaching ties with the relevant sectors and to its international sales network, the Group looks after the business interests of its customers effectively. A comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. With its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent). For more information, please visit our website at: www.messefrankfurt.com
Background information on Messe Frankfurt Argentina
Messe Frankfurt Argentina is the affiliate of the worldwide trade fair organization leader. The purpose of the fairs is to promote actual business meetings to boost activity in regional markets, in the domestic market and in turn prompt the development of the technological pole in each area. The current portfolio of shows of Messe Frankfurt Argentina includes the following exhibitions: Automechanika Buenos Aires, BIEL Light + Building, Confemaq, Emitex, ExpoCehap, ExpoFerretera, ExpoMant, Intersec Buenos Aires, Simatex, Tecno Fidta. In addition to numerous congresses and special events for third party, such as Argentina Oil & Gas Expo, Arminera and Feria COAS de las Naciones, among others. For more information, please visit our website at www.argentina.messefrankfurt.com
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